
This is the CONSTITUTION of the Tel’Ennyn Asur Tradition of Wicca


The name of the incorporated association is the Tel’Ennyn Asur Tradition of Wicca referred to herein as the association or ‘’.

2. DEFINITIONS                                                                                                         

‘Association’ means the incorporated body known as the Tel’Ennyn Asur Tradition of Wicca and referred to as ‘’.

‘Assembly of Glaur’ or the ‘Assembly’ means the council/board of management of the association.

‘General meeting’ means a general meeting of members of the association convened in accordance with this constitution.

‘AGM’ means an annual general meeting of members of the association in accordance with this constitution.

‘Member’ means an Ordinary Member, an initiated Member, Clerical Member, or an Associated Member.

‘Ordinary Member’ means a natural person who is an individual member of the association..

‘Initiated Member’ means an individual natural person who, after having completed the required training and who has been approved by the Assembly, can take on the title of ‘Initiate’

‘Clergy’ or ‘Clerical Member’ means an individual natural person who, after having completed the required training and who has been approved by the Assembly, can take on the title of Reverend or Right Reverend.

‘Mother Temple’ means the senior temple of this association from which all other Associated Temples can trace their lineage back to in a manner in accordance with this constitution.

‘Associated Temple’ means any body corporate acting as a Temple which has been granted Charter as Associated Temple status in accordance with this constitution.

‘The Act’ means the Associations Incorporation Act 1995.




The objects of TEA are to;

a) Promote the underpinning values of Asurian Wicca.

b) Provide a training structure in which Mother Temple and Associated Temples can deliver a program of training in which students can learn about Asurian Wicca.

c) Foster a safe and supportive community where Wiccans, Pagans and Witches can discuss their Wiccan practice and learn from one another.

d) Provide a legitimate means of ordaining and endorsing appropriately trained members to the role of Reverend and Right Reverend.

e) Provide ongoing support and materials to Clerical Members as they develop their own Associated Temples

f) Provide a safe environment for non-wiccans to understand and respect the Wiccan faith as a legitimate, life-affirming and loving religion.


a) The association shall have all the powers conferred by section 25 of the Act.

b) In addition, the Mother Temple as the Parent Temple shall have the right to;

i) Design the training curriculum to be used by all in-training Ordinary and Clerical Members and Associated Temples.

ii) Deliver training to all levels of its own membership, to members of Associated Temples where invited to do so and other persons via face to face.

c) In addition, Associated Temples shall have the right to;

i) Deliver face to face or online training to its own students using the curriculum designed by the Mother Temple in conjunction with C.

d) In addition, Clerical Members shall have the right to lead an Associated Temple and to ch and initiate persons up to and including their own level of Asuri Degree.





Membership may take the form of;

a) Ordinary

b) Initiate

c) Clergy/Clerical/Ministry

d) Associated Temple

5.1 Membership Types

a) Ordinary membership is open to individual, natural persons who have a compatible philosophy and religious practice to that of the association. The applicant must have completed and signed the application form, be over 18 years of age, have paid the membership subscription and agree to be bound by the constitution of this association. Ordinary Members may also be members of an Associated Temple but must not be a cher or leader of that Temple. Upon acceptance by the Assembly of Glaur, the individual shall be a member of the association.

b) Initiate membership is open to individual, natural persons who have a compatible philosophy and religious practice to that of the association. The applicant must have completed and signed the application form, be over 18 years of age, have paid the membership subscription and agree to be bound by the constitution of this association. Initiate Members MUST be initiated into one of the degrees within the Association Faith Programs. Initiate Members may also be members of an Associated Temple; they can be a cher or leader of that Temple also. Upon acceptance by the Assembly of Glaur, the individual shall be a member of the association.

c) Clerical/Ministry membership (Reverend and/or Right Reverend) are honorary levels of membership bestowed upon Initiate Members where they have met the minimum requirements as governed by the Assembly of Glaur and where the Assembly approves such status, AND they have been ordained at the Ministry/High Priesthood degree or Hierophant Degree.

i) Reverend Clergy Members are those individuals who have been Ordinary Members for at least one year, who have successfully completed the Asuri First, Second, Third, Fourth AND Fifth Degree programs or an acceptable alternative and who wish to actively lead or assist in leadership of an Associated Temple or assist in the operational leadership of the association, They must also have shown a compatible philosophy and religious practice to that of the association, who have completed and signed the Clergy Examination, who are over 18 years of age, and who agree to be bound by the constitution of this association. Upon acceptance and endorsement by the Assembly of Glaur, the individual shall be honoured with the title of Reverend (Rev.). Continued clerical membership and Reverend status is subject to meeting the annual professional development requirements as outlined in the “Handbook and Guide for Clergy of the Tel’Ennyn Asur.

ii) Right Reverend Clergy Members are those individuals who have been Reverend Clergy Members for at least three years, who have successfully completed the Asuri First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth AND Hierophant Degree programs, or acceptable alternatives and who wish to actively lead an Associated Temple of the association. In addition, they should undertake an Ordination ritual with a recognized and ordained of Tel’Ennyn Asur Right Reverend Minister and they must have shown a compatible philosophy and religious practice to that of the association. They must also have completed and signed the Clergy Examination, be over 18 years of age, and agree to be bound by the constitution of this association. Upon acceptance and endorsement by the Assembly, the individual shall be honoured with the title of Right Reverend (Rt. Rev). Continued clerical membership and Rt. Rev. status is subject to meeting the annual professional development requirements as outlined in the “Handbook and Guide for Clergy of the Tel’Ennyn Asur.

D) Associated Temple membership is open to a body corporate that acts as a Temple and whose full leadership have a compatible philosophy and religious practice to that of the association, whose leadership have all successfully completed at least the Clerical/Ministry Degree training program or its equivalent to a level acceptable by the Assembly of Glaur, whose leadership have all completed and signed the application form, who’s leadership are all over 18 years of age, whose leadership have paid the Associated Temple membership subscription and whose leadership agree to be bound by the constitution. Upon acceptance by the Assembly of Glaur, the Associated Temple shall be a member of the association.

5.2 Member Subscriptions

a) Ordinary membership

i) The subscription fee for Ordinary individual membership shall be such sum as the Assembly of Glaur shall determine from time to time in an AGM or general meeting.

ii) The subscription fee shall be payable annually on 1 July. Where a new Ordinary Member joins between 1 January and 30 June, they will be required to pay only 50% of the annual subscription fee and then the full subscription fee from 1 July thereafter annually.

iii) Any Ordinary Member whose subscription is outstanding for more than three months after the due date for payment shall cease to be a member of the association, provided always that the Assembly may reinstate such a person’s membership on such terms as it thinks fit.

b) Initiate membership

i) The subscription fee for Initiate individual membership shall be such sum as the Assembly of Glaur shall determine from time to time in an AGM or general meeting.

ii) The subscription fee shall be payable annually on 1 July. Where a new Initiate Member joins between 1 January and 30 June, they will be required to pay only 50% of the annual subscription fee and then the full subscription fee from 1 July thereafter annually.

iii) Any Initiate Member whose subscription is outstanding for more than three months after the due date for payment shall cease to be a member of the association, provided always that the Assembly may reinstate such a person’s membership on such terms as it thinks fit.

c) Clerical membership

i) The subscription fee for Lay and Ordained members shall be at the same rate as that set for Ordinary members.

ii) The subscription fee shall be payable annually on 1 July. Where a new Clerical Member joins between 1 January and 30 June, they will be required to pay only 50% of the annual subscription fee and then the full subscription fee from 1 July thereafter annually.

iii) Any Clerical Member whose subscription is outstanding for more than three months after the due date for payment shall cease to be a member of the association, provided always that the Assembly of Glaur may reinstate such a person’s membership on such terms as it thinks fit.

d) Associated Temple membership

i) The subscription fee for an Associated Temple membership shall be such sum as the Assembly of Glaur shall determine from time to time in an AGM or general meeting.

ii) The subscription fee shall be payable annually on 1 July. Where a new Associated Temple joins between 1 January and 30 June, they will be required to pay only 50% of the annual subscription fee and then the full subscription fee from 1 July thereafter annually.

iii) Any Associated Temple member whose subscription is outstanding for more than three months after the due date for payment shall cease to be a member of the association, provided always that the Assembly of Glaur may reinstate such a person’s membership on such terms as it thinks fit.

5.3 Member Resignation

An Initiate, Clerical or Associated Temple member may resign their membership of the association at any time by giving written (electronic or hardcopy) notice to a Assembly of Glaur First Elder or the Public Officer of the association. Any resigning member shall be liable for any outstanding subscriptions which may be recovered as a debt due to the association.

5.4 Expulsion of a Member

a) Subject to giving a member an opportunity to be heard or to make a written submission, the Assembly of Glaur may resolve, by a clear majority vote, to expel a member upon a charge of misconduct detrimental to the interests of the association.

b) Particulars of the charge shall be communicated to the member at least one month before the meeting of the Assembly of Glaur at which the matter will be determined.

c) The determination of the Assembly of Glaur shall be communicated to the member, and in the event of an adverse determination the member shall, (subject to section 5.4.e below), cease to be a member 14 days after the Assembly of Glaur has communicated its determination to the member.

d) It shall be open to a member to appeal the expulsion to the Assembly of Glaur at a general meeting. The intention to appeal shall be communicated to the Assembly of Glaur Chairperson or the Public Officer within 14 days after the determination of the Assembly of Glaur has been communicated to the member.

e) In the event of an appeal under 5.4.d above, the appellant’s membership of the association shall not be terminated unless the determination of the Assembly of Glaur to expel the member is upheld by the members of Tel’Ennyn Asur in a general meeting after the appellant has been heard by the members of the association, and in such event membership will be terminated at the date of the general meeting at which the determination of the Assembly of Glaur was upheld.

5.5 Register of Members

A register of members shall be kept and shall contain;

a) The name, physical and email address of each Ordinary, Initiate and Clerical Member,

b) The Associated Temple name, the name and the physical and email address and ages of the leadership of that Associated Temple,

c) The date on which each member was admitted to the association,

d) If applicable, the date and reason(s) for termination of membership.

The Assembly of Glaur


a) The affairs of the association shall be managed and controlled by the Assembly of Glaur which in addition to any powers and authorities conferred by this constitution, may exercise all such powers and do all such things as are within the objects of the association, and which are not by the Act or by this constitution required to be done by the association in a general meeting.

b)The Assembly of Glaur shall have the full management and control of the funds and other property of the association.

c) The Assembly of Glaur shall have the authority to interpret the meaning of this constitution and any other matter relating to the affairs of the association on which these rules are silent.


6.1 Council Appointments

a) The Council shall comprise of a Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, the Public Officer and at least two other Assembly of Glaur Elders.

b) The position of Public Officer shall be a permanent position until such time as the member resigns from the position, becomes deceased, by their actions brings the position and/or the association into disrepute, or is charged with a serious criminal conviction making them ineligible to remain in office.

c) An Assembly of Glaur Elder must be a current financial Initiate or Clerical Member.

d) No Associated Temple shall have more than one of its members as an Assembly of Glaur Elder without the express and written authority of the existing Assembly of Glaur.

e) Assembly of Glaur Elders may hold up to two Assembly positions where there are insufficient nominations for an Assembly role. However, where a person holds two Assembly positions, they shall only have the privilege of a single vote.

f) The Chair holds the deciding vote in a tie.

g) The first the Assembly of the association shall be appointed from the members of Mother Temple and shall hold office until a new Assembly is elected from the general membership at the second AGM. The first Assembly can remain in office if unopposed. A new Assembly shall be elected at each subsequent AGM.

i) All Assembly Members may be re-elected to council for a maximum of five consecutive terms.

h) Any Initiate or Clerical Member seeking an Assembly position must be nominated by another Initiate or Clerical Member of the association. All nominations must be delivered to an Assembly Herald no later than 28 days before the AGM. Each nomination must be signed either in hardcopy or electronically by both the nominee and the proposer.

i) Notice of all persons seeking election to the Assembly shall be given to all members of the association along with the notice calling for the AGM at which time the election shall take place.

j) Postal, email and proxy votes will be accepted forms of voting in addition to those votes delivered through a physical show of hands where appropriate.

k) The Assembly may appoint a person to fill a casual vacancy and such a Assembly Elder shall hold office until the next AGM and shall be eligible for election to the Assembly without nomination.



6.2 Proceedings of the Council

a) The Assembly shall meet at least once each six monthly. This meeting can occur online with all members present as long as the Secretary keeps a record of the meeting in printed form. An online forum or other such conferencing technology will be utilized for this purpose.

b) Questions arising at any meeting of the Assembly shall be decided by a majority of votes and in the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.

c) A quorum for a meeting of the Assembly shall be at least half of the members of the Assembly.

6.3 Disqualification of Assembly of Glaur

The office of a Assembly Elder shall become vacant if an Assembly Elder (excluding the Public Officer (see 6.1.b), is:

a) Disqualified from being a Assembly Elder by the Act,

b) Expelled as a member under this constitution,

c) Permanently incapacitated by ill health or similar means,

d) Absent without apology and justification from more than two consecutive Assembly meetings,

e) He/she submits in writing, his/her resignation to an Assembly Elder,

f) He/ she cease to be a member of the association.

Logo and Website


a) The association shall have a sigil known as the logo upon which its corporate name shall appear in legible characters. This will include the words “of Tel’Ennyn Asur.” and the acronym “”.

b) This sigil and logo is the property of C and copyright shall be held by the association.

c) The sigil and logo shall not be used without the express authorization of the Assembly, with such use to be documented, and every request for use of the sigil and/or logo shall be recorded in the minutes of the Assembly. This includes keeping a record of all websites that use the logo or a banner to link to the website of the association.

d) The approval to use the sigil and logo shall be authorized by at least two Elders of the Assembly as long as its use is within the guiding principles of the association.


a) The association shall have a website and remain the property of the association.

b) The website shall be used to promote the aims and objectives of the association to its members and the wider community and to develop web links between registered Associated Temples.

c) All contents shall be approved by the Assembly with the Public Officer having the right to veto anything deemed to be at odds with the nature and ethics of the association, containing offensive language, or otherwise deemed inappropriate. The website will not contain any racial, bigoted or discriminatory matter and will not be used as a medium to further any individual political agenda. It will not contain any pornographic or illegal data.

d) A webmaster/artist will be appointed by the Assembly. The webmaster/artist may be an Assembly Elder but will refer to the Assembly for guidance and answer to the Assembly on direction.

e) The association will own copyright of all material on the website however copyright of their own intellectual property will be retained by any original artists and authors who contribute.

f) The website will always contain the C Constitution and related material that supports the C and its Ordinary, Initiatory, Clerical, and Associated Temple membership.



9.1 Annual General Meetings

a) The Assembly shall call an AGM in accordance with the Act and this Constitution. This meeting can occur online with members present as long as the Secretary keeps a record of the meeting in printed form. An online forum or other such conferencing technology will be utilized for this purpose.

b) The first AGM shall be held within 18 months from the incorporation of the association and thereafter within five months after the end of each financial year.

c) Notice of an AGM may be given by the association to any member either via the postal service, personally or via email.

d) The order of the business at the meeting shall be:

i ) The confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM and of any special general meetings held since that meeting,

ii) The consideration of the accounts and reports of the Assembly,

iii) The election of the Assembly Elders,

iv) Any other business requiring consideration by the association.

v) The quorum for an AGM shall be the full Assembly plus at least one third of the association’s membership or at least ten members where there are less than 25 voting members.

9.2 Special General Meetings

a) The Assembly may call a special general meeting of the association at any time. This meeting can occur online with members present as long as the Secretary keeps a record of the meeting in printed form. An online forum or other such conferencing technology will be utilized for this purpose.

b) Under a requisition in writing of not less than 15% of the total number of members of the association, the Assembly shall, within one month of the receipt of the requisition, convene a special general meeting for the purpose specified in the requisition.

c) Every requisition for a special general meeting shall be signed (electronically or physically) by the relevant members and shall state the purpose of the meeting.

d) If a special general meeting is not convened within one month as required by 9.2.b above, the requisitionists, or at least 50% of their number, may convene a special general meeting. Such a meeting may be convened in the same manner as a meeting convened by the Assembly and for this purpose the Assembly shall ensure that the requisitoners are supplied free of charge with particulars of the members entitled to receive a notice of the meeting. The reasonable expenses of convening and conducting such a meeting shall be borne by the association.

9.3 General Meetings

a) At least 14 days notice of any general meeting shall be given to members. The notice shall set out where, when and how the meeting will be held, and particulars of the nature and order of the business to be transacted at the meeting. This meeting can occur online with members present as long as the Secretary keeps a record of the meeting in printed form. An online forum or other such conferencing technology will be utilized for this purpose.

b) Notice of a meeting at which a special resolution is to be proposed shall be given at least 21 days prior to the date of the meeting and will be called within a week of receiving notice of any special resolution.

c) Notice of any general meeting may be given by the association to any member either via the postal service, personally or via email.

d) The quorum for a general meeting shall be at least half the Assembly  plus at least one third of the association’s membership or at least ten members where there are less than 25 voting members.

e) The Chair person or agreed Assembly Elder delegate shall preside as chair of annual, special and general meetings.

9.4 Voting at AGMs and General Meetings

a) Subject to this Constitution, every member regardless of whether they are Initiate, Clergy or an Ordinary member of the association has only one vote at a meeting of the association. In addition, each Associated Temple has a single vote.

b) Subject to these rules, a question for decision at a general meeting, other than a special resolution, must be determined by a majority of members with voting rights either in person or electronically at that meeting.

9.5 Poll

a) If a poll is demanded by at least five members, it must be conducted in a manner specified by the Chairperson and the result of the poll is the resolution of the meeting on that question.

b) A poll demanded for the election of a Assembly Elder or on a question of adjournment shall be taken immediately, but any other poll may be conducted at any time before the close of the meeting.

9.6 Special and Ordinary Resolutions

a) A special resolution is that as defined in the Act.

b) An ordinary resolution is a resolution passed by a simple majority at a general meeting.

9.7 Proxies

A member shall be entitled to appoint in writing an Ordinary, Initiate or Clerical member to be his/her proxy and attend and vote on their behalf at any meeting.

9.8 Minutes

a) Proper minutes of all proceedings of general meetings and meetings of the Assembly shall be entered within one month after the relevant meeting in minute files kept for the purpose.

b) The minutes kept pursuant to rule 9.8.a must be confirmed by the members of the association or the Assembly Elders (as relevant) at a subsequent meeting or within one month via electronic means.

c) The minutes kept pursuant to rule 9.8.a shall be signed off (electronically or in hardcopy) by the Chairperson of the meeting at which the proceedings took place or by the Chairperson of the next succeeding meeting at which the minutes are confirmed or via email where the minutes are distributed thus.




The procedure for altering this constitution shall be:

a) The proposed amendments shall be set out in full and provided to Assembly Elders for discussion electronically or during a meeting. Such proposals can come from an Elder or C member.

b) The amendments must be agreed to by at least two-thirds of the Assembly Elders.

c) All amendments shall subsequently be updated on the website and provided as an update to all C members.

Financial & Winding Up


11.1 Financial Year

The financial year of the association shall be the period ending on the next 30 June following incorporation, and thereafter a period of 12 months commencing on 1 July and ending on 30 June of each year.

11.2 Accounts to be kept

The association shall keep and retain such accounting records as are necessary to correctly record and explain the financial transactions and financial position of the association in accordance with the Act.

11.3 Food Pantry Accounts

The association shall keep and retain separate accounting records for donations, to correctly record and explain the financial transactions and financial position of the C in accordance with the Act and all legal and relevant charitable regulations.


The income and capital of the association shall be applied exclusively to the promotion of its objects and purpose as set out at point 3 and no portion shall be paid or distributed directly or indirectly to members or their associates except as bona fide remuneration for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the association.




a) This association may be wound up in the manner provided for in the Act.

b) In the event of the organization being dissolved, the amount that remains after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to another organization with similar purposes which is not carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members. Proper records must be kept of such transfers.



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